You could say that it’s been the season of collecting badges at Södra – all of Värö’s pulps now have the Nordic Swan and EU Ecolabels, as well as FDA approval for food contact (more on that below).
Meanwhile, at the other end of our supply chain, the work our foresters are doing to maximise the potential of our wood has been recognised too: Södra has been shortlisted as a finalist for the PPI Awards 2017. We have been nominated in the category Internet of Things for the work done with digital technology in the forest.
Södra Skog is the division within Södra that handles members’ wood. One of its jobs is to maximise the value of that wood for the customer, the company, and for the 50,000 forest owners that make up Södra’s membership. In recent years, a crucial aspect of optimising forest management within the Group has been via digitalisation, and it’s fair to say that Södra has been at the cutting edge of digital technology in forestry for some years now.
Today, all Södra’s field work is conducted via an app designed by Södra and paired with our Green Plan, the individual plan for each member’s forest which defines how that particular forest should best be managed for the owner, Södra and the environment. We have used it to create a representation of the whole of our members’ forest area in great detail, allowing us to build up a picture of which trees are where, what volumes of a certain species we have, and this data can be broken down by the age of the tree, its value and more. As the technology spreads further into our mills, we expect to predict the best use of each forest for each pulp grade with even greater accuracy than today. It’s all part of trying to add value for our customers.
And if badges of recognition such as these can help us achieve that, we are happy to wear them with pride.
/ Sales Director - Benjamin Brück
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Subjects: Pulp