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When it comes to quality and service, no one is better placed to stretch our ambition than our customers. That’s why, since the 1990s, we have been asking for your opinion via our customer survey which is conducted every two years, alternating between customers in Europe and Asia.

This year is the turn of European customers. Part one of the survey, which comprises in-depth interviews with 11 of our customers, has now been completed and the results are being analysed. Next month, based on these interviews, we will be selecting three main focus areas which will form the basis of an online survey of 80 customer representatives selected across a wide spread, both geographically and professionally. We hope to collate the results in October.

It is heartening to see that during the first round of in-depth interviews, relationships were seen as a key competitive advantage when it comes to dealing with Södra: It seems you appreciate close cooperation when it comes to quality and adding value. We certainly do. And we hope to continue to build on our partnerships even further.

The second key advantage cited was product, both the quality of Södra pulps and the breadth of our portfolio. With Värö’s new grades completing their test runs, we hope to impress further still in this regard.

Third was marketing and communication and our attempt to offer maximum transparency.  We are committed to remaining as open as possible in all that we do, so keep the questions coming.

As always, customer feedback is invaluable for us and will help us to build on and improve our service offering into the future. Thank you to all who have participated so far and to those who are about to take part in the online survey. We look forward to listening.

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Subjects: Pulp


Subjects: Pulp
