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Great Britain Pulp News Family forestry helps grow biodiversity

Family forestry helps grow biodiversity

Kampanjbilder från kampanjen Skogslandslaget. Mathilda Clausen Wingårdh medlem i Södra

We believe that working forests and the protection of the environment can go hand in hand. Our latest initiative, the Nature Conservation Premium, is just one example of how we balance economics with sustainability.

Lotta Lyrå vd och koncernchef
Lotta Lyrå, President & CEO

We are always looking at ways to help our members achieve the highest levels of sustainable forest management while remaining viable businesses. We know the forest has huge potential to drive the green transition, not least by replacing fossil-based materials with more sustainable alternatives. But innovation cannot be at the expense of biodiversity. 

That’s why we’re introducing the Nature Conservation Premium, which pays members that hold forest certification a premium for the wood they supply us if they set aside more than five per cent of their land for nature conservation. Payment increases in line with the amount of forest land  preserved up to and including 14 percent of set-aside land. It’s an example of how family forests can be both productive and protective of the environment. 

“We know that biodiversity is a real and growing concern for consumers,” comments CEO Lotta Lyrå. “They may not understand it fully, but it is an emotive issue. We need to work together in the value chain to ensure we educate the consumer about the enormous pride we take in managing our forests to the highest standards, and also about the crucial role our products play in improving people’s daily lives. Biodiversity is very close to their hearts, as it is to ours. It’s a story worth telling and we are looking at ways of helping our customers communicate our shared green credentials. The NCP initiative is just one story of many.”

Want to know more? We’re always available to discuss our sustainable forestry and how the steps we are taking can add value to your own business.

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