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Fibre Education: A full house

It was such a pleasure to resume Fibre Education in person after a break of two years. Our customer education event was fully booked with almost 30 customers signed up from 17 companies. The free two-day event is a chance to network, share ideas and learn about what we do, why we do it and how we can work together to add value to your business.

Fibre Education 2022 Värö-Varberg

“It’s not a new idea,” says Henrik Wettergren, VP of Södra Cell international. “We’ve been running these courses for 20 years so they’re a tried and tested concept, but as popular as ever.” 

“Knowledge of the pulp industry varies from those who have never visited a pulp mill before to those who are keen to delve further into the very technical details of the process,” explains Customer Experience Manager, Hannah Stenberg. “That’s why the program is designed to include everything from a visit to a Södra nursery, a typical forest estate and the Värö pulp mill, which is where our Innovation team are also based, as well as both more general and highly detailed technical presentations.” 

“We want everyone to go away with a deeper understanding of how business than when they arrived,” adds Marketing Manager Christina Wennberg. “Once again, feedback has been very positive and customers regard the event as time well spent, which is heartening to know. They like what they see when it comes to our sustainable forest management practices and state of the art technology in the mills, which is motivating for us too.” 



Hannah Stenberg
Hannah Stenberg
Customer Experience ManagerPhone: +46 76 780 26 05ha......@sodra.com
Christina Wennberg chrfe kommunikationsavdelningen
Christina Wennberg
Marketing ManagerPhone: +46 76 762 30 59ch......@sodra.com

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Subjects: Pulp