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Current effects of the situation in Ukraine

Serie-74-tonnare flisbil HCT Södra

Södra has no operations or production in Ukraine, Russia or Belarus. Previously, we had marginal flows to and from these countries, which we have decided to terminate. Therefore, as of 4th of March, none of our wood supply for paper or dissolving pulp originates from this area.

To the best of our knowledge, we do not foresee any effect on production capacity for our three pulp mills in Sweden at this point in time.

As during the past two weeks, deliveries to countries in Eastern Europe continue to be very challenging, especially to Poland. A lack of drivers is affecting logistics from Sweden and capacity has been further reduced by more difficult border crossings. The imbalance in supply and demand of transport capacity has now spread to neighbouring countries. 

We are monitoring events in the area carefully to manage any impact from the situation and will keep you posted of any changes from our perspective.

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Subjects: Pulp


Subjects: Pulp
