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Södras Annica Larsson Ahlstedt tilldelas Region Blekinges pris för hållbar utveckling för sitt arbete med att projektleda textilåtervinningsprojektet Once More™.

Södra’s Annica Larsson Ahlstedt has been awarded Region Blekinge’s prize for sustainable development for her project management work on the OnceMore™ textile recycling project.

“It is very exciting to receive Region Blekinge’s sustainability prize. I share this prize with many of my colleagues, who have done and are continuing to do a great job within the scope of Södra’s textile recycling project,” said Annica Larsson Ahlstedt. 

Södra was first in the world to introduce large-scale recycling of fibres from blended fabrics. By separating cotton from polyester, the pure cotton fibres can then be added to the production of market pulp, which can then be used to make new textiles.

Read more about our unique venture: OnceMore™

“By investing in new technology and deploying the right policy instruments, we can successfully tackle the transition to a more sustainable society. OnceMore™ is one such example, where we are in the starting blocks for a major change,” said Annica Larsson Ahlstedt.

“We must remember that it was here in Blekinge that we began the journey to re-use our textiles instead of continuing to send them for incineration after use. For this reason, I want the prize money to remain in this region and to be used to contribute to the transition to circular textile flows in the local community,” said Annica Larsson Ahlstedt.


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Subjects: Bioproducts, Sustainability, Pulp, About Södra


Subjects: Bioproducts, Sustainability, Pulp, About Södra
