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Global About Södra Policies


Södra has internal regulations that, in combination with external regulations, provide a framework for our operations. Some of our policies are as follows:

Code of conduct

Södra’s Code of Conduct outlines the values that we represent and provides guidelines for how employees – and those representing Södra in various contexts – are expected to behave.

The principles of the Code of Conduct are based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

The Code of Conduct contains guidelines on the obligations and responsibilities of Södra’s employees including business practices, health, safety, working conditions, respect for human rights, the environment and sustainable forestry.

We have a whistleblower function to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct.


Whistleblower Function

Anyone who observes misconduct within Södra's operations can report these to Södra's whistleblower function. As a whistleblower, there is the possibility to remain anonymous.

To the whistleblower function, one can report misconduct that are of such a nature that there is a certain public interest in the information being disclosed.

Read more about the Whistelblower Function


Supplier code

Södra’s Supplier Code contains guidelines on the obligations and responsibilities of Södra’s suppliers including business practices, working conditions, respect for human rights and the environment.

The Supplier Code applies not only to Södra’s contracted suppliers (both verbal and written), but also to sub-contractors engaged by Södra’s suppliers. The supplier is responsible for ensuring that its sub-contractors comply with Södra’s Supplier Code or equivalent requirements. A supplier is defined as a provider of both goods and services, with the exception of wood supplies from Södra’s members.

Our policies

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