We celebrate Forest Day in 51,000 ways
More than 51,000 - this is how many small-scale family foresters together own Södra. Today, March 21, we therefore celebrate the UN's International Day of Forests in 51,000 different ways. Each forester has their own personal goals for their forest. The most common goal of ownership is to manage the forest and pass on the family tradition to future generations.

On March 21, the UN's International Day of Forests is celebrated all over the world to highlight the importance of the sustainable use and conservation of the world's forests. The International Day of Forests was created by the UN at the UN General Assembly in 2012 and UN member states are encouraged to create and participate in local, national and international forest initiatives.
At Södra, International Forestry Day is celebrated by doing what we do every day of the year - putting sustainable family forestry at the top of our agenda. Family forest ownership spans several generations while at the same time the world is taking a new perspective on the forest. The conditions and possibilities of family forest ownership now and in the future will therefore become important questions for family foresters, as well as what values the forest farm is expected to deliver.
For the family foresters in Södra, responsible and active forestry is about balancing four parts, like four legs on a stool. Through active use of the forest, a renewable raw material is produced that can replace fossil products and fossil energy. This creates profitability for the forest owner and contributes to a vibrant countryside. The forest is also an important carbon sink. For foresters, it is important that forestry is conducted responsibly, so that biological diversity and the forest's social values are preserved. When all the legs are the same length, the stool stands firm. This is when we, together, create long-term profitability and sustainability.
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Subjects: Forest owners