The forest works for the climate
The more we use the raw material from the forest, the greater the climate benefits. Growing trees bind lots of carbon dioxide, but even when the raw material is processed, the same amount of carbon dioxide continues to be stored, throughout the life of the product. The forest is helping to replace fossil materials in a growing number of applications – thus reducing carbon dioxide and its climate-change effect.
Innovation and creative thinking take us further
We make sure we use all our raw material, from root to tip. We make production processes more efficient and we find new, smarter ways to use our raw material, such as for new bioproducts for example. This not only strengthens competitiveness and profitability for us and our customers, it also benefits society as a whole – and reduces climate change.
Sustainable employees and a sustainable society
Responsible use of the forest is natural for us. But as a large forest company, we take responsibility in many other ways. An important part of this is to give everyone who works at Södra the opportunity to grow together with their colleagues. We offer employment, we sponsor local sports, we deliver district heating and take an active role in creating a sustainable future.

Annual and sustainability report
Södra is showing the way for sustainable development at all stages, from seed to customer, and gradually meeting its Group-wide sustainability targets such as fossil-fuel free and commercialising products with a better sustainability performance than today’s alternatives. Read our annual and sustainability report here.
Annual and sustainability report

Södra’s positive climate-change impact is equal to 25 percent of Sweden’s reported emissions.
Södra can now once again report its positive effect on the climate. A comprehensive report shows that our net effect is positive, both through the growth of our 52,000 members’ forests, but above all by forest-based products substituting those products and energy sources that have a negative climate impact.