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SunPine invests SEK 250 million in new production line

Together with SunPine’s other partners, Södra has decided to invest SEK 250 million in a new line for tall diesel fuel production. The investment will take place at SunPine’s facility in Piteå and increase today’s production capacity by 50 percent. The new line is expected to be operational in 2020.

About Sunpine

SunPine distils green crude tall diesel from tall oil, which is blended with petroleum-based diesel and petrol. Södra delivers tall oil to SunPine’s facility in Piteå and is also a partner, together with Preem, Sveaskog, Lawter and Kiram. In addition to crude tall diesel, rosin, turpentine and bio-oil are also distilled at the facility.

“Demand for sustainable products that enable the transition to a green economy is growing and growing. Over the past few years, we have invested SEK 6 billion in our pulp mills to increase production, which has also led to higher volumes of tall oil for distillation. Fossil-free and renewable fuels from forest biomass are proof of the innovative possibilities that exist for making use of every part of a tree. Forests have a huge potential to contribute in the transition to a green economy, and we want to be involved and lead the way,” said Gustav Tibblin, Board member of SunPine and Director of Members at Södra.

Read more about SunPine

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Subjects: Pulp, About Södra, Forest owners


Subjects: Pulp, About Södra, Forest owners
