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At Södra’s Annual General Meeting, the Gösta Edström Scholarship was awarded to Johan Ekstrand. The Christer Segerstéen Prize was awarded to Hanna Bernö and Charlotte Håkansson, and the Lars-Eric Åström Prize was awarded to Sven-Erik Hammar.

Johan Ekstrand received the 2018 Gösta Edström Scholarship of SEK 25,000. Johan is in his final year of the Forest and Wood Engineering Programme at Linnaeus University in Växjö. In his degree project, Johan is studying whether microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) can be used to strengthen adhesives for wood products. Johan Ekstrand was awarded the Gösta Edström Scholarship to complete his degree project, and to then report his findings.

Hanna Bernö and Charlotte Håkansson were awarded the Christer Segerstéen Prize. Hanna Bernö is a fourth-year forestry student and alongside of her studies, has worked actively to modernise and broaden the forestry programme. Charlotta Håkansson is completing her postgraduate studies at Linnaeus University and studying the forest carbon balance in her dissertation. Hanna and Charlotta shared the 2018 Christer Segerstéen Prize, and received SEK 5,000 each.

The Lars-Eric Åström Prize was awarded to Sven-Erik Hammar. Sven-Erik is a forest owner from Funäsdalen, Chairman of the Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF) and a Board member of the Mellanskog forest-owner association. For many years, Sven-Erik has personified a typical Swedish forest owner and spoken out about the conditions for family forestry in a strong, objective and committed manner that has earned broad respect. The 2018 Lars-Eric Åström Prize of SEK 30,000 was awarded to Sven-Erik Hammar for his achievements.

"It is very honouring to receive this prize, not least because we're at a turning point where all the possibilities of the forest become increasingly clear. I am moved", Sven-Erik Hammar said.

Meaningful awards

“There are so many people working hard every day to develop forestry and, in fact, the entire community through their achievements in forestry and in the forest industry. The scholarships and prizes we award every year are meaningful for two reasons: they make the achievements of these people more visible, and they provide well-deserved recognition,” said Gustav Tibblin, Director of Members at Södra.

The Gösta Edström Scholarship aims to provide opportunities for research, development work or studies in areas related to forestry, the forest industry or agricultural associations and is awarded to deserving people, preferably members or employees of Södra.

The Christer Segerstéen Prize aims to inspire and reward young people studying some form of forestry programme who have engaged in community involvement. Applicants are required to present qualitative studies or essays, as well as good references from their institute of education.

The Lars-Eric Åström Prize recognises people who have contributed to the development of cooperative enterprise, or to the advancement of family forestry.

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Subjects: About Södra, Forest owners


Subjects: About Södra, Forest owners
