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Calling all heroes: Södra launches new ad campaign

Södra’s next major ad campaign will show that being a hero doesn’t have to be difficult. It can be as simple as actively choosing products from sustainably-managed forests because consumers who make sustainable choices are heroes. Like previous campaigns, this latest initiative from Södra, recently nominated for the marketing award “100 Wattaren” in Sweden, seeks to be different and to make people sit up and think.

By highlighting that products and services from the forest are environmentally sustainable, the “Act of a hero” campaign (#actofahero) is a counter message to those who try to make paper consumers feel guilty (“don’t print this e-mail” etc). This campaign applauds good behaviour and turns informed consumers into heroes.

“The campaign doesn’t put fibre-based products up against other materials. Its core message is simple: When (not if) you consume, choose a product based on a sustainably-managed forest raw material – that’s an act of a hero!” says Linda Ottosson, Communication Manager at Södra Cell.

Södras recognises the need to communicate the environmental credentials of pulp and paper further downstream in the value chain. That’s why the principal aim of #actofahero is not only to market Södra’s offering to its customers but also to reach its customers’ customers, and to some extent consumers.

“Communicating downstream in the value chain is new and exciting, and to ensure that the message hits home we have chosen to work with two important customers in the tissue and specialty paper segments, respectively. They connect us with their key stakeholders, who are brought in as additional target groups in the campaign,” explains Marcus Hellberg, Marketing Director at Södra Cell.

“The main channels for the campaign will be Södra’s own website and social media channels. But we are asking everybody – customers, colleagues and members – to be part of the campaign by helping to spread and share our material,” adds Ottosson.

Visit sodra.com/hero and share your stories!

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Subjects: Sustainability, Pulp, About Södra, Forest owners, Timber


Subjects: Sustainability, Pulp, About Södra, Forest owners, Timber
