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Some of these facts you might know, others might surprise you. And why do they matter?

1.       It is a sustainable fact that…

Timber is a natural, renewable, non-toxic, recyclable and bio-degradable material which provides excellent levels of thermal insulation.

Why does it matter?

Because it is not only a sustainable fact, but a marketable one, too. When users are fully aware of the positive impact of timber, they are more likely to choose it for their buildings and create a better environment in the process.

2.       It is a sustainable fact that…

By 2050 the annual rate of forest growth on estates owned by Sodra’s members will be 20 percent higher than in 2015.

Why does it matter?

The difference between annual harvesting and annual growth is what makes Södra’s members’ forests such an important solution for carbon capture. These forests already create a net annual reduction in carbon dioxide of 700,000 tonnes when offset against carbon dioxide emissions from Södra’s operations. The greater the forest growth, the greater the carbon capture.

3.       It is a sustainable fact that…

79 percent of the diesel supplied from Södra’s on-site fuel stations is HVO – a type of biodiesel.

What does it matter?

This figure was achieved in 2017. In 2016 it was 47 Percent. You can see the direction of travel is towards zero fossil fuels for transport - a target for 2030 which has been given equal weight by the Södra Group board as financial targets. In 2017 carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel combustion in the group’s production amounted to 80,000 tonnes – down nine percent compared with 2015. So carbon dioxide is being squeezed out from two directions – a reduction in emissions and an increase in capture.

4.       It is a sustainable fact that…

In 2017 the area of Södra’s forests in which nature conservation measures were performed increased by 33 percent on the previous year to 1,452 hectares.

Why does it matter?

We know that our forests capture carbon, but by also prioritising biodiversity, we can ensure that timber in construction is not only a good choice from the point of view of carbon footprint, but from a wider sustainability perspective. It means people can genuinely choose timber for the good of the environment.

5.       It is a sustainable fact that…

Södra’s electricity generation exceeds its consumption. Net deliveries in 2017 were 335 GWh.

Why does it matter?

Beneficiaries of this excess power consumption include local communities who are therefore able to use green electricity. If wood is an important material for a construction project, then our green electricity is part of that project’s environmental footprint. The electricity is generated as part of the process in Södra’s pulp mills. It helps to power our sawmills and reduce consumption of fossil fuels for power to almost zero. The target for 2020 is no fossil fuels in production.

6.       It is a sustainable fact that…

81 percent of Södra’s suppliers have signed the Södra Supplier Code and all suppliers should meet the Code by 2020.

Why does it matter?

The environment is one of the three pillars of the Södra Supplier Code, which means that when purchasing from us, customers are assured that not only are our processes and main raw material scrutinized for sustainability, but all other inputs.

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