2023 - summary and reflection

The end of the year calls for reflection. During the busy weeks with meetings, dropping of the kids to daycare, gym class, and fredagsmys* with family and friends, it’s hard to mind the time for reflection (even if we all know that we would probably need to do it more). So, see this as not just a summary and reflection of OnceMore but also as a reminder to do it for yourself.
Okey, so this year, 2023. The year that we got back to a new normal since covid, traveling and fairs are blooming once more. We enjoy meeting you all at the fairs, not just to talk about OnceMore but also to hear all the great ambitions that we must make the textile industry better in terms of the environmental impact.
Speaking of environmental impact – this year we dropped our Environmental Impact Report for OnceMore. For us, this is one way of showing that we want to be transparent and true in all that we do. You can find the report at our website – for all eyes only.
Our focus areas this year; One of them has been to create more collaborations throughout the value chain. The textile value chain is complex and as a foundation builder right in the very beginning of this chain, we want to do our best for all parties that follows. Another focus this year, since we are quite young as a brand, has been to continue to develop the OnceMore brand. And one of the key points in this work is the collaboration experience. We want to be the best partner that you can have! And therefore, this year we hired Tina Lemke our Brand and Customer Experience Manager.
We have had some great collaborations this year. Our partnership with the Swedish fashion brand Lindex continues and have until now made one million garments based on OnceMore. The partnership with Bestseller and JACK&JONES, continues and have this year launched new styles all based on OnceMore. Filippa K is a new partnership for this year and have made a capsule collection that made the stores in the beginning of December. We are looking forward to continuing all our ongoing partnerships but also new ones that we can’t wait to tell you all about.
And of course, we need to highlight the EU LIFE TREATS founding in our 2023-reflection. In the beginning of the summer EU LIFE granted Södra and Lenzing 10 million EURO to develop and scaling up the OnceMore process.
Last but not least, this year we are turning four! We launched OnceMore in October 2019. At that time we hade a product with 3% recycled textile’s. In only four years we have increased that number to 20%. The four-year celebration reminded us, that we are on a journey – we are not done, we will never be done, we can always do better – and will do so.
Thank you all, for your interest in OnceMore and for your braveness and ambitions to change an entire industry. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
The OnceMore Team
*Fredagsmys: It literally means ‘Friday cosiness’. A common Swedish expression for TGIF, but without cocktails. It’s more family time, blankets and candy.

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Subjects: OnceMore